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Last seen 09 September 2024, 18:49
43 years old   Los Angeles, United States


a man, looking for a woman aged 18-99
About me:
I would say I am a very good example of being "balance". I can hang with the homeless and the thugs and two seconds later be fitting in perfectly with the snootiest aristocrats of the modern world. I am an extremely spiritual person but my faith is based on both personal experiences, historical facts and a data gained from scientific deduction. I am a very hard working person but I also know how to have fun and enjoy life. I go thousand miles an hour for very long periods of time (if needed) and then freeze and manage to enjoy the setting of the sun or the beauty of humans interacting with each other - aka "People Watching". I am in the "Hollywood business" but I am not "Hollywood" in character. I have morals, and lines I wont cross no matter what is being offered to me. I wouldn't say I'm a boyscout by any means, but I'm not all about "me". My personal passion is to make the world a better place by touching the lives of every single person I come in contact with in a deep and rich experience. Providing them a friendship that leaves a unique and wonderful stamp on their life. My career passion is "to make the world a better place by providing it jobs, economic and medical stability and of course the most powerful of tools to aid in improving the world - knowledge and truth. Because let's face it, those are the things that set you free. ;) Amongst my circle of people I known as the "go-to guy". Go-To for advice, connections, emotional support, relationship counseling, job opportunities, business idea's, creative ideas... you get my point. I love to see the BIG PICTURE, both sides of the equation... I do my best to put myself in the other persons shoes and see it from their point of view. As a child I was thought to be "Not all there". "Slow in the mind" they'd say. But for the people who got to know me (that I "let in") they found it was just the opposite, I had too many thoughts going on all at once and they were such lofty idea's I feared sharing them with people. Someone once told me, "It's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt." A very successful business mentor once told me, "Never let them know how smart you are, stay quiet and simple, if you do they'll give you every secret they have. If they feel you are smart or too sharp, they will withhold everything from you." I put this into action at a very young age and due to the success of it I gained an education no amount of money could ever buy. As for what do I do with my time, I enjoy going out movies, dinner, I enjoy going to all the A-List places in town, but not because of the paparazzi or because of the celebs, but because that is where all my friends are at. I enjoy the lounge like places where you can talk and have a nice drink or dance if you want. Ladies I am a dancing fool but dont worry I got skillz as they say. ;) I love all kinds of food, I love to try new things and experience different cultures. I eat meat so ladies if that turns you off or if you are a girl who only eats 1 item in the world, might not do too good together. Healthy or picky is fine but too picky or too limited is no good. Breaking bread together and experiencing new things, going to new places together is proven to be a vital element in keeping a relationship fresh and fun. I am extremely honest, I would say brutally honest at times but in a way that is always loving. This is a good thing though because when you hear me give you a word of praise you know I really mean it and I do love to dote on my girl. ;) Much more to know so shoot me an email and ask me anything. I always like making new friends if nothing else.